Gary Lawson, Burning Down the House (and Senate): A Presentment Requirement for Legislative Subpoenas Under the Orders, Resolutions, and Votes Clause, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 1373 (2005).
Adopting Tillman’s thesis that the ORV Presentment Clause has “substantive bite” in addition to estopping the circumvention of the Presentment Clause. Arguing that legislative subpoenas—as “legally effective single-house action that requires prior legislative approval”—must be presented to the President.
Arguing that the ORV Presentment Clause was included to prevent Congress from circumventing the President by calling a bill by a different name.
Arguing that the ORV Presentment Clause requires that single-house action authorized by statute must be presented to the President so that such single-house action is subject to the same veto check as its enabling legislation.
Seth Barrett Tillman, The Domain of Constitutional Delegations Under the Orders, Resolutions, and Votes Clause, 83 Tex. L. Rev. 1389 (2005).
Arguing that lawmaking under the ORV Presentment Clause and traditional statutory lawmaking are just two instruments for legislating.
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